Introduction to Push Notifications in Advertising.

Push notifications in advertising are a marketing tool that allows sending short messages with advertising content to users' mobile devices or web browsers. They are used to attract attention to products, services, or promotions.

Advertising push notifications are sent to users' devices over the internet, even if the app or website is not active. The user receives a notification on the device's screen, allowing them to quickly learn about new offers or events.
There are two main types of advertising push notifications: app push notifications (sent through mobile apps) and web push notifications (sent through browsers on PCs and mobile devices).
Advertising push notifications can help companies increase brand awareness, attract new customers, enhance the engagement of existing customers, and boost sales of products or services.
Instant information delivery. Personalization of messages. High user engagement. Relatively low marketing cost.
A push notification subscription is the voluntary consent of users to receive notifications from a specific website or app. Users subscribe to notifications to stay informed about news, promotions, or other interesting information from the publisher.
Opt-out is the process that allows users to opt out of receiving advertising push notifications from a specific sender.

Push Notification Exchange.

A push notification exchange is an online platform where advertisers can gain access to subscribers willing to receive push notifications and run their advertising campaigns.

Extended access to a wide audience. The ability to select a target audience and define campaign parameters. Budget management and result statistics tracking.
Users' interests and preferences. Geographic data for targeting specific regions. User behavior information, such as purchases and actions after receiving a notification. Device type and other data for more precise targeting.
The use of encryption technologies to protect data and user information. Monitoring and content filtering to prevent the spread of unwanted or prohibited notifications. Compliance with rules and laws regarding user data privacy.
Typically, websites, mobile apps, advertising agencies, as well as services with mobile and web applications.

Questions Related to Advertisers.

An advertiser is an individual or entity that acquires a subscriber base with the purpose of sending them relevant mailings.

The process of purchasing subscribers involves selecting the region of subscribers and the quantity of subscribers.
Advertisers can reach a more relevant audience through push subscriptions, increasing the likelihood of successful advertising campaigns. It also allows them to improve ROI (Return on Investment) and the effectiveness of advertising efforts since messages are delivered directly to users interested in the product or service.
To create an effective campaign, focus on creating compelling messages and configuring targeting.
To send push notifications, you need the appropriate technical tools and API integrations.
Evaluating the effectiveness of a mailing includes analyzing metrics such as opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and subscriber growth.
Collaborating with other advertisers allows monetization of subscribers by placing their ads and participating in affiliate programs.
You will need to either directly connect through our API or connect through an advertising platform if you are using an affiliate network.
Sending relevant and useful content, providing clear instructions on how to unsubscribe from notifications, and adhering to frequency and timing guidelines.
Testing different headlines and notification text, personalizing messages based on user interests and preferences, and sending notifications at optimal times of the day.
Advertising push notifications can collect information about which notifications were read, on which devices, and what actions were taken after receiving the notification.

Questions Related to Publishers.

Publishers are owners of websites, apps, or other informational platforms where subscribers can consent to push subscriptions.

Add your website, and after approval, you can create lists, segment them for analysis, and put them up for sale.
Yes, it is mandatory. User consent is an important aspect of complying with privacy and data protection laws.
Publishers can monetize their audience by selling access to their push subscribers on the exchange. This allows them to generate additional revenue and increase profitability from their content or services.
Publishers are obligated to adhere to the privacy policy, provide the option to unsubscribe from notifications, and not share users' personal data with third parties without user consent.
Analytics tools, A/B testing, and user segmentation help companies evaluate the results of their marketing efforts.
If the response rate to notifications is low, conversions are minimal, or there is a significant user churn immediately after subscribing, this may indicate ineffective advertising campaigns or low-quality website traffic.
Integration may require the use of an API or third-party services for managing notifications.

Support and Service Questions.

Questions related to user support on the exchange.

Support includes assistance in using the exchange's functionality and technical support.
The first step is to contact customer support, which will help identify and resolve technical issues.

Other Questions.

Answers to commonly asked general questions.

Subscribers are users who have agreed to receive advertising push notifications from a specific resource or app.
In the account plans section, you can find different mailing plans. We offer a free mailing plan with limitations on the number of push notifications sent per month. If you need more, you can use our paid plans or connect your own server through the API to send notifications independently.
Push subscriptions have high conversion potential because they deliver messages directly to users' devices. This allows advertisers to achieve higher user engagement and retention, as well as providing extensive opportunities for personalization and targeting.
Strategies include using catchy headlines, eye-catching images, and creating urgent offers.
It's important to exercise caution, not send too many notifications, and provide control through notification settings.
There are platforms and services that offer tools for creating, sending, and analyzing notifications that you can integrate via API to analyze your advertising campaigns.
Advertising push notifications offer high conversion rates, wide audience reach, message personalization capabilities, and low marketing costs.
Push notification exchanges provide access to a large number of subscribers, simplify campaign management, and offer flexibility in targeting.
Publishers can generate additional income by displaying advertising push notifications on their platforms and enhance the user experience by providing valuable information.